Subject: 65816 Assembler Standard Author: Randall Hyde Uploaded By: ShanoJ Date: 6/9/1993 File: STD.65816.SHK (44905 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 24 Equipment: Apple IIgs Needs: Text file reader, ShrinkIt to unpack OS: GS/OS FILE TYPE: ShrinkIt Archive (it's a BIG text file inside) ----------------- This is a cool text file that I snagged from the InterNet. It describes a standard for GS 65816 Assemblers, something that is desperately needed (come on, Merlin<-->ORCA converters are cool, but they're a pain in the butt...:( ). This file describes every aspect of the compiler syntax, such as standardization of opcodes and pseudo-ops, assembler directives, macros, etc. No compilers for the GS IMPLEMENT this standard, but it'd be nice if they did... Enjoy! ps. Because this was snagged from a Unix box, I had to do a little conversion, such as LF-->CR and detabbing it. Because of the detabbing, some of the diagrams don't line up properly (don't quite understand that, but that's what happened). Still completely readable, though; just thought I'd warn you. :)